RLuc Duplex
A published siRNA control targeting the renilla luciferase gene. Appropriate for use in human, mouse, or rat cells.
The RLuc Duplex is an siRNA control for effective knockdown the Renilla reniformis (sea pansy) Luciferase gene. Because the luciferase reporter sequence is often altered to improve its performance, we recommend aligning the siRNA target sequence to your reporter to ensure a sequence match.
S. M. Elbashir et al., Duplexes of 21-nucleotide RNAs mediate RNA interference in cultured mammalian cells. Nature. 411(6836), 494-498 (24 May 2001).
Concentrated buffer solution recommended for resuspension and long-term storage of any short, double-strand, or single-strand synthetic RNA molecule. Dilute with RNase-free water prior to use.
Catalog ID:B-002000-UB-100
Molecular grade water for dilution of 5x siRNA Buffer or resuspension of RNA. RNase-free to prevent degradation of RNA reagents and oligonucleotides.
Catalog ID:B-003000-WB-100
The most broadly applicable DharmaFECT formulation for optimal siRNA or microRNA transfection into a wide range of cell types for successful RNAi experiments
Catalog ID:T-2001-01