Yeast HA-Tagged
The Yeast HA-Tagged Collection contains mutagenized yeast strains with triple hemagglutinin (HA) epitope tags, useful for immunolocalization, immunoprecipitation, and analysis of binding sites.

The Yeast HA-tagged strains have random, in-frame affinity tags created with minitransposons. Insertion of the HA-tag via mini-transposon (mTn) mutagenesis allows for tagging within the coding region of the protein in a non-biased fashion, resulting in the tagging of both annotated and previously unidentified ORFs.
The HA insertion potentially provides several means by which yeast protein function may be studied. HA-tagged yeast proteins have been used effectively in large-scale studies of protein localization. Full-length HA tagged proteins can be localized to the appropriate cellular region where they can be detected using an antibody to the HA epitope.
Native amounts of protein can easily be purified from individual yeast strains using immunoprecipitation with a commercially available HA antibody. Also, HA insertion may potentially generate conditional alleles and hypomorphic mutants that exhibit partial gene function of particular importance in the analysis of essential genes.
Strains are not guaranteed to produce a fully functional protein, and complete analysis is to be performed by the individual researcher. Information on strains that have been successfully immunolocalized is available on the TRIPLES website.
We provide certain clone resources developed by leading academic laboratories. Many of these resources address the needs of specialized research communities not served by other commercial entities. In order to provide these as a public resource, we depend on the contributing academic laboratories for quality control.
Therefore, these are distributed in the format provided by the contributing institution "as is" with no additional product validation or guarantee. We are not responsible for any errors or performance issues. Additional information can be found in the product manual as well as in associated published articles (if available). Alternatively, the source academic institution can be contacted directly for troubleshooting.
Individual strains are provided as a live culture in a 2 mL tube. Each tube contains YPAD broth supplemented with 15% glycerol. Store the strain at 4°C for up to one week or -80°C indefinitely.
Bulk orders are shipped as glycerol stocks in 96-well microtiter plates and are a culture of the HA–Tagged Yeast in YPAD media and glycerol. These plates ship on dry ice and can be maintained indefinitely at -80°C.