The only INDUCIBLE multi-promoter, multi-marker, native microRNA context solution.
Tight inducible control of expression
With the Tet-On® 3G tetracycline-inducible expression system you can add the element of time to your microRNA experiments more precisely than ever before. Turn microRNA expression ON and OFF to suit the unique characteristics of your biological system. This enables you to work on lethal pathways, key differentiation steps, phenotypic induction and reversion – it’s up to your imagination!
Choose from multiple promoters
Gives you optimal promoter activity for better microRNA expression in a wider variety of cell types.
Choose your fluorescent marker
Now you have a choice of red or green markers to verify promoter activity, flow-sort transduced populations, or track expression in heterogenous cell populations.
Plus all the advantages of the Dharmacon SMARTchoice vector design
- Lentiviral vector system - enables you to experiment in difficult-to-transfect cells such as primary cells, neurons, MSC and ES cells, with very high transduction efficiencies.
- Native microRNA context maximizes accurate and efficient Drosha and DICER processing of the microRNA sequence while minimizing the effects of the star (*), or passenger strand.
- Clear, validated protocols & control vectors
- Dharmacon Technical Support is here to help you!
Take a closer look at this incredible microRNA expression system!
Out-SMART your cells! Expand the reach of your microRNA experiments.
SMARTchoice Platform
- Maximize expression with your choice of constitutive and inducible promoters!
shMIMIC Inducible Lentiviral microRNA - Technical Manual
- Advantages of the unique shMIMIC microRNA expression design with the Tet-On 3G tetracycline-inducible expression system