Can base editing move cancer cell therapy further towards off-the-shelf treatments?
Horizonの新しい合成マトリックスCell Free DNA標準サンプルは、汎用されるcfDNA抽出キットとの高い適合性があります。
Gisela Jimenez-Duranらによる最近の論文は、Horizon Discoveryによって実施された全ゲノムCRISPRノックアウトスクリーニングが、炎症誘発性マクロファージを調節できる既存の阻害剤をどのように同定したかをわかりやすく示しています。
A roundtable discussion with several of the women scientists at Horizon Discovery's Boulder office sharing personal reflections after Jennifer Doudna along with Emmanuelle Charpentier won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry this year.
This article briefly describes how our reference standards are produced and the quality control measures to ensure the standards are reliable from batch to batch.
in vivo実験用にオリゴを注文する際に考慮すべきいくつかの重要なポイントをご説明します。
A summary of a recent publication in The CRISPR Journal showing that Horizon's integrated pooled CRISPRko and high throughput cell panel screening platform together offer clinically relevant information for therapeutic targets.
Here we talk about the role of the Edit-R Pooled sgRNA Indexing PCR Primers and answer the most common questions about the Indexing PCR and Sequencing Primer kit.