- Non-mammalian research tools
- Yeast DAmP Collection
Yeast DAmP Collection

The Decreased Abundance by mRNA Perturbation (DAmP) Yeast Library is a collection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains containing compromised alleles of essential genes that exhibit modest growth defects. These alleles are hypomorphic and cover > 950 of the essential yeast genes as diploid and > 800 genes as haploid, enabling quantitative genetic interaction measurements that allow in-depth functional dissection of pathways and complexes.
The strategy for this library is based on disruption of the 3’ UTR (untranslated region) with an antibiotic resistance cassette (kanamycin), which destabilizes the corresponding transcript and can reduce mRNA levels 4- to 10-fold. The library is available in either haploid or heterozygous diploid formats.
- Use for exploring interactions of essential genes
- Sensitive detection of growth rate changes
- High resolution functional analysis of the yeast genome
- Hypermorphic alleles cover > 950 of the essential yeast genes as diploid and > 800 genes as haploid
The creators of this resource list the number of genes they believe to be essential in each collection in the product description. DAmP strains were created for additional genes and are included in the collections. The total the number of strains included in each collection is greater than the number listed in the product description.
We provide certain clone resources developed by leading academic laboratories. Many of these resources address the needs of specialized research communities not served by other commercial entities. In order to provide these as a public resource, we depend on the contributing academic laboratories for quality control.
Therefore, these are distributed in the format provided by the contributing institution "as is" with no additional product validation or guarantee. We are not responsible for any errors or performance issues. Additional information can be found in the product manual as well as in associated published articles (if available). Alternatively, the source academic institution can be contacted directly for troubleshooting.
Individual Clones
Within 2 to 3 business days of receiving your order, we will ship your clone at room temperature via express delivery. Store the stock clone at –80°C. Clones are provided as a live culture in a 2 mL tube. Each tube contains:
- Haploid DAmP strain: YEPD + G418 (200 ug/mL) + 15% glycerol
- SD-URA + G418 (200 ug/mL) + 15% glycerol
High Volume Orders
Orders of greater than 50 clones will be provided in microtiter plates. These will ship on dry ice via overnight delivery and should be stored at –80°C immediately upon receipt.
Bulk orders
Bulk orders are provided in 96-well microtiter plates. These will ship on dry ice via overnight delivery and should be stored at –80°C immediately upon receipt.
- D. K. Breslow et al., A comprehensive strategy enabling high-resolution functional analysis of the yeast genome. Nat. Methods. 5(8), 711-718 (August 2008).