
Querying of experimental data is completed using the data query panel.

Query Panel

Step 1 - Select a datasource

Using the datasource pick list allows for selection of experimental data from different sources. The default datasource will be selected automatically. Consult the Administrator for additional information regarding the available datasources.

Step 2 - Select analytical options

A number of analysis options are available to provide control over how experimental data will be measured, aggregated, and analyzed when the data query is executed.

Step 3 - Specify data characteristics

Specify which data is to be included in the query data results using available data characteristics. Consult the Administrator for additional information regarding available characteristics for a given datasource.

Step 4 - Execute the query

Execute the query by actuating the "Results" button. Once actuated, a progress dialog will be displayed to indicate overall progress toward delivering the results. Use the "Cancel" button to discontinue the results generation prior to completion.