- Screening services
- Dharmacon Screening libraries
- Human Duet siRNA Library - Druggable Genome
Human Duet siRNA Library - Druggable Genome
Duet siRNA Libraries are paired libraries of siGENOME and ON-TARGETplus siRNA SMARTpool reagents. The Human Duet Druggable Genome Library contains the genes that are considered potential targets for therapeutics and is delivered as nine distinct subset siRNA libraries in the 96-well format (see Figure 1, Supporting Data tab).
In the 384-well format, the first eight subsets are plated continuously to reduce partial plates:
- Protein Kinases
- Ion Channels
- Phosphatases
- Drug Targets*
- Proteases
- Ubiquitin Conjugation 1 - Cullins, E1, E2, HECT E3 Ligases
- Ubiquitin Conjugation 2 - F-box, SOCS box E3 Ligases
- Ubiquitin Conjugation 3 - RING finger and RING finger-like E3 Ligases
*Includes genes involved with apoptosis, senesence, nucleic acid binding, autophagy, DNA repair, and characterized nuclear receptors.
- Increase confidence in your RNAi screen with two guaranteed, highly-functional SMARTpool siRNA reagents (see Figure 2, Supporting Data tab)
- Screen the libraries side-by-side to move high confidence hits through the pipeline faster (see Figure 3, Supporting Data tab)
- Use the libraries separately as a cost-effective way to obtain two guaranteed collections of highly potent siRNA reagents
siRNA Designs
Both siGENOME and ON-TARGETplus siRNA reagents utilize the same SMARTselection foundational elements for highly functional designs. ON-TARGETplus designs are additionally filtered for specificity-enhancing features that improve the potential for unique designs.
- In 30% of genes (across the human genome), all eight siRNA sequences targeting a single gene are unique.
- Only 5% of genes share four siRNA sequences across both product lines.
- Even in cases of identical designs, it has been widely demonstrated that ON-TARGETplus specificity-enhancing modifications provide distinct and reduced off-target signatures and thus can be treated as unique silencing reagents.
Our siRNA knockdown guarantee
siGENOME and ON-TARGETplus siRNA reagents (SMARTpool and three of four individual siRNAs) are guaranteed to silence target gene expression by at least 75% at the mRNA level when demonstrated to have been used under optimal delivery conditions (confirmed using validated positive control and measured at the mRNA level 24 to 48 hours after transfection using 100 �nM siRNA).
Note: Most siGENOME and ON-TARGETplus siRNA products are highly functional at 5 to 25 �nM working concentration.
Druggable Genome siRNA Library
Figure 1 | The Druggable Genome library contains the genes that are considered potential targets for therapeutics and is delivered as nine distinct subset siRNA libraries in the 96-well format. In the 384-well format, the first eight subsets are plated continuously to reduce partial plates. The Drug Targets portion includes genes involved with apoptosis, senesence, nucleic acid binding, autophagy, DNA repair, and characterized nuclear receptors.
siGENOME and ON-TARGETplus SMARTpool reagents are highly potent
Figure 2 | Target mRNA knockdown in a screen with siGENOME and ON-TARGETplus SMARTpool siRNA reagents was highly effective, even at concentrations of 2 nM. In extended studies, ON-TARGETplus also was effective in reducing false phenotypes due to off-targets.
Duet siRNA libraries support high-confidence screening workflows
Figure 3 | Our products offer more guaranteed siRNA reagents than any other provider to enable the broadest range of siRNA screening strategies. By leveraging the high-efficiency silencing of market-leading siRNA reagents, the execution of a Duet siRNA screen with two unique SMARTpool siRNA reagents (siGENOME and ON-TARGETplus) increases overall primary hit quality and reduces follow-up experimental time and effort.
- B.D. Parsons, A. Schindler, D.H. Evans, E. Foley, A direct phenotypic comparison of siRNA pools and multiple individual duplexes in a functional assay. PLoS One. 4(12), e8471 (2009).
- M. Jiang, R. Instrell, B. Saunders, H. Berven, M. Howell, Tales from an academic RNAi screening facility; FAQs. Brief Funct. Genomics. 10(4), 227-237 (2011). [doi: 10.1093/bfgp/elr016]
- J. Borawski, A. Lindeman, F. Buxton, M. Labow, L.A. Gaither, Optimization procedure for small interfering RNA transfection in a 384-well format. J. Biomol. Screen. 12(4), 546-559 (2007).
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