Optimal microRNA expression for high-confidence functional analysis results.

A novel system for stable or inducible expression of a mature microRNA. shMIMIC Lentiviral microRNAs are available for each human, mouse and rat microRNA described in the miRBase database (www.mirbase.org).

  • designed so the mature microRNA is consistently and reproducibly processed, with minimal activity of the passenger strand
  • provided as concentrated lentiviral particles for delivery to biologically relevant, difficult-to-transfect cells
  • your choice of promoter and reporter (or no reporter!) for optimal performance in your experiment
shMIMIC Lentiviral microRNA
  • Expressed lentiviral microRNAs multiple promoter and reporter options for expression of mature microRNAs; available as high-titer lentiviral particles and glycerol stocks.
shMIMIC Inducible Lentiviral microRNA
  • The industry's most innovative mature microRNA expression system combined with latest generation of powerful Tet-inducible technology; available as high-titer lentiviral particles and glycerol stocks
shMIMIC Lentiviral microRNA Pooled Libraries
  • The most complete microRNA pooled screening tool available. Achieve robust over-expression of mature microRNAs from our patented scaffold.
shMIMIC Inducible Lentiviral microRNA Pooled Libraries
  • Functional microRNA screening with the power of inducible expression. Choose your reporter and promoter for maximum flexibility.