- Non-mammalian research tools
- C .elegans ORF Collection
C .elegans ORF Collection

The C. elegans ORF collection (also known as the C. elegans ORFeome) was created as a resource for functionally characterizing the worm proteome through applications, such as protein-protein interactions, RNAi, and protein expression in Caenorhabditis elegans. Generated in the laboratory of Marc Vidal by amplification from full-length cDNA libraries and cloned into the Gateway-donor vector pDONR201, the C. elegans ORF clones can be easily moved into any expression vector via recombinational cloning.
The C. elegans ORF collection can be used to express approximately 11,000 C. elegans proteins. Further characterization of this expression using high-throughput strategies and large-scale interaction mapping could provide additional insight into protein function in the worm.
- Gateway-adapted C. elegans ORFs make it easy to shuttle ORFs to different expression vectors
- Coverage of greater than 60% of the C. elegans genome
- Pools of cloned amplimers cover splice variants for a specific gene
We provide certain clone resources developed by leading academic laboratories. Many of these resources address the needs of specialized research communities not served by other commercial entities. In order to provide these as a public resource, we depend on the contributing academic laboratories for quality control.
Therefore, these are distributed in the format provided by the contributing institution "as is" with no additional product validation or guarantee. We are not responsible for any errors or performance issues. Additional information can be found in the product manual as well as in associated published articles (if available). Alternatively, the source academic institution can be contacted directly for troubleshooting.
Individual Clones
Clones are provided as a live culture in a 2 mL tube. Each tube contains LB medium supplemented with 8% glycerol and the appropriate antibiotic. Within 2 to 3 business days of receiving your order, we will ship your clone at room temperature via express delivery. Store the stock clone at -80°C.
Bulk Orders
Orders of 50 clones or greater and stock plates will be provided in microtiter plates. These will ship on dry-ice via overnight delivery and should be stored at -80°C immediately upon receipt. Please contact our customer service department for a quote and estimated shipping time on bulk orders.
Entire Collection
Orders for the entire C. elegans collection are provided in microtiter plates. These will ship on dry-ice via overnight delivery and should be stored at -80°C immediately upon receipt. Please contact our customer service department for estimated shipping time on orders for the entire collection.
- J. Reboul et al., C. elegans ORFeome version 1.1 experimental verification of the genome annotation and resource for proteome-scale protein expression. Nature Genetics. 34 (May 2003).
- J. Reboul et al., Open-reading-frame sequence tags (OSTs) support the existence of at least 17,300 genes in C. elegans. Nature Genetics. 27(3), 332-336 (March 2001)
Product data
Safety data sheets
Technical manuals
Related Products
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