- Non-mammalian research tools
- C. elegans Promoter Collection
C. elegans Promoter Collection

The C. elegans Promoter Collection can be used to identify where and when genes are expressed, based on the observed expression of promoter-fusion constructs. This library contains the predicted promoters for over 6,000 Caenorhabditis elegans genes, which have been cloned into a Gateway recombinational vector in order to facilitate the creation of promoter-fusion constructs.
Potential applications of this C. elegans "promoterome" include the construction of promoter-GFP fusions for mapping protein expression and subcellular localization, as well as ChIP-chip and yeast one-hybrid assays. By combining these promoters with the C. elegans ORF Collection, additional applications could include tissue-specific RNAi, subcellular protein localization, and ectopic expression studies.
- Contains cloned promoters for over 6,000 C. elegans genes
- Gateway-adapted constructs facilitate easy transfer of promoter content into other vectors
- Potential to create multiple fusion constructs from a single promoter, possibly including promoter-GFP and promoter-ORF-GFP constructs
We provide certain clone resources developed by leading academic laboratories. Many of these resources address the needs of specialized research communities not served by other commercial entities. In order to provide these as a public resource, we depend on the contributing academic laboratories for quality control.
Therefore, these are distributed in the format provided by the contributing institution "as is" with no additional product validation or guarantee. We are not responsible for any errors or performance issues. Additional information can be found in the product manual as well as in associated published articles (if available). Alternatively, the source academic institution can be contacted directly for troubleshooting.
Individual Clones
Clones are provided as a live culture in a 2 mL tube. Each tube contains LB medium supplemented with 8% glycerol and the appropriate antibiotic. We will ship your clone at room temperature via express delivery. Store the stock clone at -80°C.
Bulk Orders
Orders of 50 clones or greater and stock plates will be provided in microtiter plates. These will ship on dry-ice via overnight delivery and should be stored at -80°C immediately upon receipt. Please contact our customer service department for a quote and estimated shipping time on bulk orders.
Entire Collection
Orders for the entire C. elegans Promoter collection are provided in 96-well microtiter plates. These will ship on dry-ice via overnight delivery and should be stored at -80°C immediately upon receipt. Please contact our customer service department for estimated shipping time on orders for the entire collection.
- D. Dupuy et al., A First Version of the Caenorhabditis elegans Promoterome. Genome Res. 14, 2169-2175 (2004).
Product data
Safety data sheets
Technical manuals
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