Endogenous lncRNA positive control and non-targeting control siRNA and pool reagents for high-confidence experiments. Lincode Control siRNA reagents incorporate specificity-enhancing modifications to improve experimental results.

Non-targeting siRNAs are designed with three or more mismatches to every lncRNA and protein-coding transcript in human, mouse, and rat. GAS5 is a widely expressed lncRNA whose knockdown has been demonstrated in multiple cell lines. If GAS5 expression levels are undetermined in your cell type, the use of ON-TARGETplus positive controls is an alternative method for initial experimental optimization.

Lincode Positive Control siRNA Species Catalog Number
Lincode GAS5 Control siRNA Human D-001310-01
Lincode GAS5 Control Pool Human D-001310-10
Lincode Negative Control siRNA Species Catalog Number
Lincode Non-targeting Control siRNAs Human, Mouse, Rat D-001320-0X
Lincode Non-targeting Pool Human, Mouse, Rat D-001320-10