- Gene modulation
- Gene overexpression
- cDNA & ORFs
Human, mouse, rat, and bovine cDNAs from the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC)
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Full genome-scale MGC cDNAs libraries for human, mouse, and rat from the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). Developed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), this represents the most extensive collection of mammalian cDNA clones available.
- MGC cDNA sequences are deposited in GenBank, and the clones can be purchased
- Genome-scale coverage for human, mouse, rat, and bovine
- Shipped as a live bacterial culture containing plasmid of interest
- Inserts match the corresponding GenBank BC accession number*
Human | Mouse | Rat | Bovine | |
Total MGC Full* ORF Clones | 29,818 | 27,285 | 6,763 | 9,104 |
Non-redundant genes | 17,592 | 17,701 | 6,486 | 8,724 |
*MGC GenBank records were frozen with the completion of the project in 2009 without further updates; the definition of what constitutes a full-length coding region for some of the genes and transcripts will likely have changed. Users planning to order MGC clones will need to monitor for these changes using a relevant genome browser.
New - MGC Sequence Verified Human cDNA Clones
Now offering Sequence Verified Human MGC cDNAs from the Mammalian Gene Collection. This is the same collection developed by the National Institute of Health (NIH) but clone identities have now been sequence verified. This provides our customers with the most extensive and rigorously verified collection of mammalian cDNA clones available.
Human MGC cDNA Highlights
- Based on valued customer feedback, we initiated a re-sequencing effort with the goal of confirming the BC Accession identity of the clones in the Human MGC collection.
- As a result of this sequencing effort, we now provide the most accurate Human MGC cDNA clone collection on the market
- The newly verified cDNA clones are now available with the catalog prefix MHS6278
- If your human MGC clone does not have a catalog number starting with MHS6278, it has not yet been included in the re-sequencing effort and can still be located under the MGC Fully Sequenced offering, contact Scientific Support.
MGC cDNA Libraries
Expression Ready MGC cDNA Libraries
Human Expression Ready MGC cDNA Libraries are available as pre-defined gene families of clones in pCMV-SPORT6 expression vectors.
MGC cDNA Gene Family Libraries
Human Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) cDNAs arrayed in pre-defined gene family libraries.
MGC cDNA Libraries
Genome-scale Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) cDNA libraries for human, mouse, and rat.
Cherry-pick Clone Libraries
Choose from our predesigned product lines of shRNA and over-expression reagents to build your own custom library.
Please contact Scientific Support or your local Sales Representative with inquiries.
About the MGC
The goal of the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC), a trans-NIH initiative, is to provide researchers with unrestricted access to sequence-validated full-length protein-coding (FL-CDS) cDNA clones for human, mouse, and rat genes. In 2005, the project added the bovine cDNAs generated by Genome Canada.
MGC clones initially were obtained by random EST-screening of cDNA libraries. Starting in 2004, MGC used transcript-specific RT-PCR cloning to isolate cDNAs for genes not represented in MGC. Finally, between 2006 and 2009, MGC employed DNA synthesis methods to provide FL-CDS clones for human and mouse genes still absent from the collection.
All MGC sequences are deposited in GenBank, and the clones can be purchased. You can use "A Guide to Finding Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) Clones and Evaluating Their Sequence" to assist in determining whether MGC cDNA clones for human, mouse, or rat genes and transcripts of interest are available for purchase or sequence investigation.
With the conclusion of the MGC project in March 2009, the GenBank records of MGC sequences were frozen, without further updates. Since the definition of what constitutes a full-length coding region for some of the genes and transcripts for which we have MGC clones will likely change in the future, users planning to order MGC clones will need to monitor for these changes. Users can make use of genome browsers and gene-specific databases, such as the UCSC Genome browser, NCBI’s Map Viewer, and Entrez Gene, to view the relevant regions of the genome (browsers) or gene-related information (Entrez Gene).
Dharmacon is a distributor of multiple gene expression clone collections (cDNAs and ORFs). These clone collections were generated by groups outside of Dharmacon and thus the quality of the collections is largely dependent upon what Dharmacon received from these groups. Specific clone information and plate coordinates were provided to Dharmacon by the suppliers of these clone collections. Dharmacon has not sequence verified each individual clone from these collections. These collections and individual clones are distributed "as is" with no additional product validation or guarantees. Dharmacon has established quality procedures to ensure that individual clones are picked from the identified well in a plate, grown on the correct antibiotic, and are free of phage contamination. Due to the quality of the information provided to Dharmacon, the clone you receive might not match the expected clone. If this occurs, please contact Scientific Support.
Individual clones
Clones are provided as a live culture in a 2 mL tube. Each tube contains LB medium supplemented with 8% glycerol and the appropriate antibiotic. Within 1-2 business days of receiving your order we will ship your clone at room temperature via express delivery. Store the stock clone at –80°C.
Orders of 50 clones or greater and stock plates will be provided in 96-well microtiter plates. These will ship on dry-ice via overnight delivery and should be stored at –80°C immediately upon receipt. Please contact Customer Service for a quote and estimated shipping time on bulk orders.
- MGC Project Team, The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH Full-length cDNA Project: The Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). Genome Res. 14(10B), 2121-2127 (October 2004).
A. Baross et al., Systematic recovery and analysis of full-ORF human cDNA clones. Genome Res. 14(10B), 2083-2092 (October 2004).
J. Q. Wu et al., Large-scale RT-PCR recovery of full-length cDNA clones. Biotechniques. 36(4) 690-696, 698-700 (April 2004).
MGC Project Team, The completion of the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). Genome Res. 19(12), 2324-2333 (December 2009).
MGC Program Team, Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 Full-length Human and Mouse cDNA Sequences. PNAS USA. 99(26), 16899-16903 (24 December 2002).
R. L. Strausberg, E. A. Feingold, R. D. Klausner, F. S. Collins, The Mammalian Gene Collection. Science. 286(5439), 455-457 (15 October 1999).
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Human Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) cDNAs arrayed in pre-defined gene family libraries.
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