Ensure your percent gene editing calculations are correct

Correctly calculate percent gene editing

The Dharmacon BioIT team has created a beta tool to calculate percent gene editing from a T7EI mismatch detection assay. In a previous c, we highlight the importance of properly calculating percent gene editing.

Our T7EI calculator works with GelAnalyzer data

Our BioIT team has provided the research community with a simple calculator to ensure proper calculation of percent gene editing. This calculator should be used in conjunction with the GelAnalyzer 2010a software, which is a freeware application. The GelAnalyzer software makes calculating the band intensity (or volume) much simpler and more robust, since it semi-automatically detects the lanes/bands for each sample in the gel. The resulting band intensities can then be copy/pasted into this beta tool to calculate the percent gene editing found in each sample.

Use our T7EI calculator beta tool now

  1. Navigate to our BioIT Beta Tools page
  2. Click ‘T7EI Calculator’
  3. Input your data from GelAnalyzer 2010a data gel analyzer
  4. Click ‘Submit’ to get your percent gene editing results t7e1 tool results

Follow the tutorial to get started

To assist the user in calculating the band intensity using GelAnalyzer 2010a, we also provide a step-by-step tutorial with a few additional troubleshooting steps. Click "Show SOP" to get started.

Share your feedback with us

Check out the tool and let us know what you think by emailing the Bio-IT team.

Author: Jesse Stombaugh, Bioinformatics Developer at Dharmacon

Get started with the T7EI Calculator »

Additional Resources

  • CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing
    Optimized tools for high-confidence genome engineering
  • Tools and Calculators
    Online tools for checking specificity of CRISPR target sequences, analyzing primers, identifying microRNA seed matches and performing other useful calculations.