Large-scale gain-of-function screens have not yet shown the same popularity as loss-of function experiments, mainly due to logistical complications of using the traditional reagents (ORFs). Here we explain the hurdles to setting up a high-throughput ORF screen, and how CRISPRa offers a new solution that can expand the screening toolbox to maximize your window of discovery.
53 result(s)
Learn how to use our Dharmacon™ siDESIGN center for isoform or gene variant-specific siRNAs
Gene modulation is now more flexible and accessible thanks to Horizon's new CRISPRmod CRISPRi portfolio. The system leverages an inactive Cas9 complex to block transcription resulting in precision targeted gene down regulation. Read more about our newest offering:
A summary of a recent publication in The Journal of Biotechniques showing the utility of Horizon's synthetic sgRNA for CRISPR mediated transcriptional activation studies.
A roundtable discussion with several of the women scientists at Horizon Discovery's Boulder office sharing personal reflections after Jennifer Doudna along with Emmanuelle Charpentier won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry this year.
Examples of studies using siRNAs targeting lncRNAs to inspire your next experiment.
Performing RNAi with a shRNA vector is often a straightforward and well documented approach to gene knockdown.
Xenopus ORF entry clone library derived from the XGC!
Learn the key similarities and differences in design and application
To stop or not to stop, but where is the question