SMARTvector Lentiviral shRNA and shMIMIC Lentiviral microRNAs are now available in pooled screening

Our most versatile lentiviral shRNAs and microRNAs in a convenient, powerful screening format

Pooled lentiviral screening libraries provide a convenient and economical way to screen for genes that have critical roles in the biological system you are studying without the requirement for high-throughput robotics.

Pooled Screening Libraries

Dharmacon SMARTvector Lentiviral shRNA and shMIMIC Lentiviral microRNA collections are now available as pooled screening libraries! We have completely updated our collections with an improved design algorithm and expanded depth and breadth of gene coverage. Pooled libraries are now available in all of the 29 possible SMARTchoice vector configurations. With both inducible and constitutive expression formats, we have an expression system that will be optimal for your experiment.

shRNA collections

shRNA collections include Gene Families, Druggable Genome, and Whole Genome collections for human and mouse with an average of 8 shRNA per gene!

Highlights for shRNA libraries include:

  • accurate data analysis with 372 total controls per pool!
  • higher fold coverage and better reproducibility with high-titer purified lentiviral particles
  • designs based on RefSeq v64
  • choice of red, green or no fluorescent reporter

microRNA collections

microRNA collections are available for human or mouse and a Human-Mouse Conserved library of high-value microRNAs.

Highlights for microRNA libraries include:

  • 110 total controls per pool for more accurate analysis
  • higher fold coverage and better reproducibility with high-titer purified lentiviral particles
  • up-to-date mature microRNA designs based on miRBase v21
  • choice of red or green fluorescent reporter

Custom pooled libraries

Custom pooled libraries are available for both shRNA and microRNA reagents for human, mouse, and rat (50 construct minimum).

Additional Resources

Pooled Screening Libraries - Products
  • Optimized construction of high-quality pools, complete analysis tools, and validated protocols are essential to a successful outcome when screening with pooled lentiviral libraries.
Functional Genomic Screening - Applications
  • How to use siRNA, shRNA, microRNA and CRISPR libraries
RNAi Screening Libraries - Resources
  • Find product guides, FAQs and more