When to express Cas9 from the same vector as your sgRNA
What you need to know about variables that affect efficiency of HDR knock-in using CRISPR-Cas9
Review of selected articles showing the broad applicability of the HAP1 cell line between 2011 and 2019.
While genome engineering is widely ascribed with the capacity to knock out genes of interest, new adaptations of these same molecular building-blocks are reshaping the way researchers think about the opposite: overexpression experimen
Which gene expression technology is best for my experiment?
Detecting signaling effects of IL1R2 overexpression by CRISPRa with synthetic crRNAs
Resources for proper handling, resuspension and quantification of your synthetic RNA
Dharmacon™ Edit-R™ has been featured in over 20 peer-reviewed publications since 2015
Longest RNA molecules synthetically possible, with virtually any chemical modification