Achieve DNA-free guaranteed gene editing with synthetic predesigned sgRNA reagents and libraries covering the entire human genome.
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Ready for CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing? Read on to learn about including the proper negative controls.
Discovery Horizon's CRISPRmod systems (CRISPR interference and CRISPR activation) for translational modulation of target gene expression. Learn how each system works, when to use CRISPRi for down-regulation or CRISPRa for up-regulation of endogenous gene expression, and how to design successful experiments using these reagents.
View the new poster presentation video demonstrating the creation of knockins with the EditR CRISPRC
Lipid-mediated transfection of CRISPR-Cas9 and single-strand DNA oligos for homology-directed repair
Design rules improve the efficiency, specificity and functionality of gene knockout
An article in the Journal of Biotechnology on the applications of chemically synthesized guide RNAs
A custom knock-in kit designed just for you
Edit-R™ inducible lentiviral Cas9 nuclease gives you increased flexibility in your experiment
Applications of targeted CRISPR-Cas9 labeling with potential clinical diagnostic implications
Improved functionality and specificity of genome editing experiments that only requires a gene search!