On the Horizon

Leading news, knowledge, and industry trends in genetic research

Cell models

36 result(s)

After all the hard work of editing your cell line, you want to have confidence in your new research model. So, how do you verify your cell line is what you expect it to be? Could a heterogeneous cell population be obscuring your editing effects? Is observed phenotype being caused by the targeted gene edit, or unintended off-target effects? Here we discus ways to add supporting data to validate your gene-engineering projects.

Essential genes are defined as genes that are critical for the survival of an organism. These are considered to be genes that are absolutely required for the cell to grown, proliferate and survive. Deletion of an essential gene from a cell eventually leads to the death of this cell or a severe proliferation defect. As a consequence, it is impossible to generate cells with a knock-out or deletion of essential genes.

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